A New Day
I wrote this to a friend Yesterday. Then Last Night Happened. The Friends part sticks, but the results in our Election were gross.
So again, I pick myself up look to the future, and try and do the best I can with what God Gave me. Please Mass Voters and America, be kind to your neighbors, stop the Anger, and Start being part of the process to make this Country what it can be. Lets work together not fight each other for Better Education, More Prosperous and Fair Economy, Safe Shelter for Children and the Needy, Safe working Conditions, Health and Welfare for anyone in Need, and a Great America. It is not time to be selfish--its time to make it happen through a UNITED States of America.
Pick yourself up and lets get going.
Written on January 19th, 2009
I just read that Yesterday is historically considered the Darkest Day in America, evidently people are recovering from Credit Card Payments for Christmas, 1st Holiday after the stress of the Holidays, Monday Morning blues, and getting sick of Cold weather, dark days..and bad news. Historically in America The third week of January Monday is dark for many people except Psychiatrist who have a rise in appointments. So I was one of those folks yesterday.
TODAY, TUESDAY JANUARY 19th in Massachusetts IS A NEW DAY for Optimistic Me, I'm wearing RED, I have a new Attitude, I voted and am hopeful GO Democrats! I'm concentrating on what I love to do best. Help people find great jobs, and learn. I signed up for a training, read my early email, and am plugging away helping the unemployed find jobs.
I'm also saying THANK YOU TO FRIENDS that I met in my Dark Days but who came out as Friends and shed light on those days. May you have Prosperity, Love, Happiness and Peace in your heart if not in the World. Thank you!
So again, I pick myself up look to the future, and try and do the best I can with what God Gave me. Please Mass Voters and America, be kind to your neighbors, stop the Anger, and Start being part of the process to make this Country what it can be. Lets work together not fight each other for Better Education, More Prosperous and Fair Economy, Safe Shelter for Children and the Needy, Safe working Conditions, Health and Welfare for anyone in Need, and a Great America. It is not time to be selfish--its time to make it happen through a UNITED States of America.
Pick yourself up and lets get going.
Written on January 19th, 2009
I just read that Yesterday is historically considered the Darkest Day in America, evidently people are recovering from Credit Card Payments for Christmas, 1st Holiday after the stress of the Holidays, Monday Morning blues, and getting sick of Cold weather, dark days..and bad news. Historically in America The third week of January Monday is dark for many people except Psychiatrist who have a rise in appointments. So I was one of those folks yesterday.
TODAY, TUESDAY JANUARY 19th in Massachusetts IS A NEW DAY for Optimistic Me, I'm wearing RED, I have a new Attitude, I voted and am hopeful GO Democrats! I'm concentrating on what I love to do best. Help people find great jobs, and learn. I signed up for a training, read my early email, and am plugging away helping the unemployed find jobs.
I'm also saying THANK YOU TO FRIENDS that I met in my Dark Days but who came out as Friends and shed light on those days. May you have Prosperity, Love, Happiness and Peace in your heart if not in the World. Thank you!
Labels: A seachange in MA, Be Hopeful, Citizen of Massachusetts, Common, Democrats, Election, Election Results Massachusetts, Health Care Reform, Hope, Senate Seat in Mass, The Nation is watching, Women